Not taking your vacation is fatal!

Learn why not taking your vacation is fatal for you and why some people do it anyway. Read the article on

In the olden days, mankind had only one task to accomplish on this earth! SURVIVAL! Their job was to get up, take a piss without getting eaten by something bigger than them, then go hunt something they could kill (without getting eaten by something bigger) and then go back home(cave), eat, procreate and sleep (again without getting eaten by something Continue Reading →

10 effects of stress on your body, mind and soul

Find out 10 serious effects of stress on your body, mind and soul and learn how to protect against it.

Stress is truly an epidemic during our time of technological and medical advances. How ironic. And to think that this is actually a time where everything is automated for the benefit of mankind, food sources are plenty and medical advancements have found the cure for even the deadliest of diseases. Still, modern medicine has failed to protect us against stress, Continue Reading →