The Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners… and why you should avoid them!

Learn about the many Dangers of Energy Drinks and how they can compromise your health! Knowledge is the first step to healing so start reading now!

If you are into health and fitness or just trying to lose weight, you are most likely to be using products that are sugar-free. I have spoken about the dangers of sugar in another article (you can read it here) however there is another elephant in the room that needs to be addressed first: artificial sweeteners.   What are Artificial Continue Reading →

Nutrition Basics #4: Avoid this type of fat at all costs to protect your health!

Learn why you must avoid this type of Fat at all costs to protect your health, its dangers and smart ways to remove it from your diet.

In part 1 we talked about the importance of fat, part 2 was about the omega 3s and part 3 was about omega 6 and the need for a proper omega3/omega6 ratio. In part 4 we will talk about trans fat and why you must avoid this type of fat at all costs to protect your health.   Trans Fat Continue Reading →