Small investments that will change your life forever (pt7)

Learn about how investing in your leisure and lifestyle Optimization can change your life forever (pt7) #leisure #LifestyleOptimization

This is part 7 of our 7 part series on small investments that will change your life forever. (you need for a healthier and happier life) Before you start with today’s article, make sure to read part 1 here, part 2 here, part 3 here, part 4 here. and part 5 here and part 6 here. In our final installment, we Continue Reading →

The 5 Pillars of Health pt2 (Inaction – Energy – Balance)

Learn about the 5 pillars of #health as we go through Inaction (#recovery), #Energy and #Balance!

In my previous article, I did a brief introduction on the 5 pillars of Health and we also looked at the first 3. In this article, we will complete the section on Inaction and also I will elaborate more on Energy and Balance.   3. Inaction Let me just say first that inaction has nothing to do with laziness. Laziness Continue Reading →

Want to be healthy? Start with the 5 pillars of health part 1 (Supply and Action)

Learn about the 5 pillars of #health as we go through Supply (#nutrition) and Action (#exercise)

In this article, I will talk about the 5 pillars of health. Health is a very vague term and can be used in different ways and different contexts. It is also a very personal matter and different people have different perspectives on what health truly is.   The 5 Pillars of Health Despite your personal, cultural or environmental influences, health Continue Reading →

How to reduce stress by addressing TIME!

How to reduce stress by addressing TIME! #stress #time #balance #work

In this article we will discuss the types of time and how to reduce stress and achieve work-life balance by addressing TIME itself! In this way you will be able to understand the complexity of time and to  balance your life properly and without guilt. The types of Time I have often talked about the importance of personal time. This need Continue Reading →