Stop making these 8 excuses and take care of your body and diet!

Stop making these 8 excuses and take care of your body and diet! Find out how at #health

In this article I want to debunk some of the most basic myths that have been around since the beginning of the modern health movement. People have been using some of these myths as an excuse to not exercise or eat right. The same people who probably came up with this stuff are now using them to instill fear into Continue Reading →

13 Tips for safe and effective workouts!

Learn how to properly plan and execute your workouts for optimal results while staying safe and healthy with these 13 tips for safe and effective workouts. Visit

Most advanced trainees take their routines very seriously. Others, not so much. Novice and intermediate gym rats also tend to not fully understand the proper planning, intensity, commitment, passion and other concepts associated with an effective workout. Almost all of them tend to focus on getting results from their workout but they fail to take the element of safety into Continue Reading →

Guide: How to find the best time to workout!

Learn how to find the best time to workout in order to reach your physique & health goals while still living a hectic & busy life. Yes you can have it all!

For a lot of people, finding time to work out can be a huge burden. Especially for those who are not so familiar with exercising, exercise timing can make or break the success of a fitness program. In this guide you will learn how to find the best time to workout by considering the following 5 basic factors.   Investigate Continue Reading →

Another fast and easy workout for busy people!

This fast and easy workout for busy people will help you stay in shape or even make some new gains (if you are advanced). Stay strong, healthy and free!

As I explained in a previous article, sometimes it is a good idea to do a smaller workout especially if you know you will have a busy or stressful week coming up. This week I was moving house so it was important to stay in shape and not exhaust my body. So I went with 2 simple kettlebell exercises and Continue Reading →

The best morning routine for the seriously stressed!

In this article I reveal the best morning routine for the seriously stressed. Optimize all your systems in order to have a great day with less stress!

A balanced morning routine is a very important part of our lives. The more stressed you are, the more important this time of the day becomes. A good morning routine will supercharge you and help you deal with everything that comes your way. It is like the key that starts the engine for your car. If you turn it the wrong Continue Reading →

A great kettlebell workout for busy people over 40

In this guide you will find how to gain muscle and lose fat with this amazing kettlebell workout for busy people over 40. Stay strong, healthy and free.

We all live in a very hectic world. Most people over the age of 40 already have a lot on their plate. Busy and stressful careers, family obligations, keeping up with their friends and of course watching their health and putting in some exercise time. Physical workouts are meant to rejuvenate the body, stimulate muscle growth, help with fat loss Continue Reading →

My Morning Routine

Learn about another healthy morning routine. This time I prepared for a busy day so I had to get my exercise, nutrition and supplements on time!

I am writing this article on a beautiful Thursday morning. A time when I take it easy, write a couple of blogs and just relax. But this is a special day with sunny weather (a rare commodity in the Netherlands) and a high temperature of 9 degrees which will climb up to 12! My significant other and I will be Continue Reading →

Fast and easy workout for those who travel

Here's a fast and easy workout for those who travel that will allow you to keep or gain muscle while on the road or before a busy day.

There are lot of people who spend a lot of time on the road and do not always have the time to train due to time constraints or lack of energy. This week, I had to go out of town to attend a conference which meant traveling, which always means added stress to your body. For that reason, I decided Continue Reading →

How to get in shape when you are very busy!

In this simple guide you will learn how to get in shape when you are very busy. You will be able to gain muscle, lose fat and see results in no time.

When it comes to all things health, the saying still applies: “use it or lose it”. Same goes for both mobility and strength. Our bodies are made for movement that’s why it’s important to not sit for long periods of time. In this article I will show you how to get in shape when you are very busy or if Continue Reading →

My vacation training log

My Vacation workout log

This is a very condensed version of the types of workouts that I did during my last vacation (which lasted 4 weeks) as mentioned in my previous article “How to work out while on vacation“. Here’s what I did: Daily Morning Routine Perform every day regardless if you do any of the workouts listed below. 1 round of my extended Continue Reading →