How I won against my night-time anxiety

Find out how I won against my night-time anxiety with this small guide and you will be able to free yourself from a condition that can destroy your health.

A couple of years ago, I found myself fighting an uneven battle. A battle that would test even those with the strongest of wills and mind-power: The fight against night-time anxiety. The mechanism differs from person to person. In this article I would like to share my experience and how I won against night anxiety. This type of anxiety creates Continue Reading →

10 effects of stress on your body, mind and soul

Find out 10 serious effects of stress on your body, mind and soul and learn how to protect against it.

Stress is truly an epidemic during our time of technological and medical advances. How ironic. And to think that this is actually a time where everything is automated for the benefit of mankind, food sources are plenty and medical advancements have found the cure for even the deadliest of diseases. Still, modern medicine has failed to protect us against stress, Continue Reading →

My vacation training log

My Vacation workout log

This is a very condensed version of the types of workouts that I did during my last vacation (which lasted 4 weeks) as mentioned in my previous article “How to work out while on vacation“. Here’s what I did: Daily Morning Routine Perform every day regardless if you do any of the workouts listed below. 1 round of my extended Continue Reading →

How to eat clean at a traditional family dinner

How to eat clean at a traditional family dinner

For most people, tradition is something that follows us whether we want it or not. Being a martial artist from a very young age, I always understood the importance of a balanced nutrition and did everything in my power to stay on track. That, unfortunately, did not always coincide with my mother’s traditional Greek cooking. Don’t get me wrong, a Continue Reading →

How to eat healthy while on vacation

How to eat healthy while on vacation

The idea behind this article is to show you that can still eat healthy while on vacation without making huge sacrifices. Bear in mind that it is important to stay open and enjoy yourself. Vacations should be connected with fun and must not be used for any kind of body-mind drills. While on vacation, you may find yourself in a Continue Reading →

9 ways to stay in shape while on vacation

Stay fit on vacation

Vacations are the most important part of our lives. The hectic world that we live in dictates that we must be excellent professionals which often leads people to overlook their vacations. Since we just entered Summertime and many of you out there are contemplating a getaway, I decided to share with you a few ways that will allow you to Continue Reading →