Enzymes pt 2 – A list of digestive enzymes and how to take them

Learn about the most important digestive enzymes and how to take them in order to fix your digestion, maximize muscle growth and optimize your health.

In the previous article “The most effective and yet neglected supplement for your health goals“ I spoke about the general type of enzymes, why we need them and what leads to their depletion. In this article I will share with you the (almost) complete list of digestive enzymes and how to take them. Different types of digestive enzymes When it Continue Reading →

The biggest gift of nature for optimal health!

The biggest gift of Nature for optimal health

When it comes to achieving better health, most people think that they must resort to complicated solutions that involve pharmaceuticals. But staying healthy is easier than most people think and can be achieved with natural solutions. In this article I will show you the biggest gift of nature for optimal health: Herbs. What are herbs? Herbs have been used for Continue Reading →

Optimize your health with this hidden secret

A lot of people are serious about their health and physique goals. But there is always one thing they are always leaving out. It is time for you to learn how to optimize your health with this hidden secret: Dietary Supplements. I have personally used a wide range of supplements and spent over 50.000$ in products over the last 20 Continue Reading →