Nutrition Basics #3: This type of fat can make or break your health!

Learn about a type of fat that can make or break your health. Too much or too little can cause a series of health problems.

In part 3 of my articles series on fat we will talk about a type of fat that can make or break your health: Omega-6! Omega-6 fats have amazing benefits especially for muscle growth and sustaining radiant health but they are also dangers associated with their over-consumption. If you have not read part 1, you can go check it out Continue Reading →

Nutrition Basics #2: Benefits of omega3 for optimal health!

In part 2 of my series on fat, we examine the benefits of omega 3 for optimal health along. Learn also what are the best options and sources of omega 3.

In part 2 of my Nutrition series on the health benefits of fats we will look into essential types of fats, their different types, benefits and dangers. We will especially focus on the benefits of omega3 for optimal health. If you have not read part 1, make sure you go check it out here.   Essential Fatty acids (EFAs) or Continue Reading →