6 important rules of using herbs

6 important rules of using herbs

In my previous article “The biggest gift of nature for optimal health” I shared a brief introduction about the miracle of herbs. In today’s post you will learn the 6 important rules of using herbs for fat loss, muscle gain or radiant health. Rule no1: Understand The Power of Herbs First of all, always remember that herbs are just as Continue Reading →

Fast, easy and healthy Noodles recipe

Learn how to make your own healthy noodles with this fast and easy recipe!

I love working out in the morning. The day before an intense workout, I always eat some good carbs at night so that I can sleep well and have energy for it. In this article, I will share a fast, easy and healthy noodles recipe that is equally tasteful. It literally takes 4 minutes to make and this is how Continue Reading →

Strong Healthy and Free begins here

Strong Healthy and Free begins here and is now LIVE! This blog is here to help people over 35 to achieve optimal physical, mental and spiritual health through my holistic no-BS approach. On this website you will find in-depth information on: nutrition, lifestyle & wellness advice, supplements, herbs, exercise, healthy recipes, sleep hygiene, stress management, hormone and testosterone optimization along Continue Reading →